Our country is facing the crisis of the century, and you are politicizing hardship withdrawals?
There have been some objections to the recent demand by the government for those who attended the tabligh event in Sri Petaling to surrender themsleves for testing.
There have been some objections to the recent demand by the government for those who attended the tabligh event in Sri Petaling to surrender themsleves for testing. Many of those who refuse to surrender are afraid that they would be quarantined in hospital. Well, recently Pantai Hospital Laguna Merbok was forced to shut down in […]
In times of crisis, the leaders of a nation should all come together to steer the country out of darkness, regardless of political ideology.
In times of crisis, the leaders of a nation should all come together to steer the country out of darkness, regardless of political ideology. During the Second World War, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill formed a cabinet composed of members from his own Conservative Party as well as the opposition Labour Party, as did his […]
The country is going into a partial lockdown under the nationwide Movement Control Order. The Federal Government has invoked the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act (PCID) 1988 and the Police Act (PA) 1967.
Socso had finally heard our voices and withdrew their directive to impose stringent conditions on subsidising dialysis. This is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, a victory for the working-class of Malaysia.
The MCA would like to state its disdain with SOCSO’s decision to revise its terms of eligibility for dialysis treatment, which may render many new contributors and beneficiaries under SOCSO’s Invalidity Pension, Employment Injury and Invalidity Grant Scheme ineligible for treatment.
MCA calls for the establishment for a National Sex Offender Registry immediately. Last year, Deputy Minister Hannah Yeoh announced that the Ministry of Women, Community and Family Development has come up with a child sex offender registry which will be up and running by 1 April 2019. While this move is applauded, and such effort is certainly praiseworthy, this registry service has several major drawbacks:
A leopard never changes its spots; we would do well to remember that Tun M’s first act as MoE in 1974 was to impose tighter govt control over local varsities & deprive students of their political rights. Oppression of the academia became a constant throughout his reign.